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MTSR 2020
14th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research
2-4 December, 2020
Workshops, Tutorials and Demonstrations
Workshop on Metadata enriching and filtering through FRBR and RDA
Dr Getaneh Alemu, Cataloguing & Metadata Librarian, Solent University, UK
Workshop duration: 2 hours
In this workshop, I’ll present a general overview of the state of current metadata principles, standards and tools, followed by a practical hands-on workshop in the use of RDA and the RDA Toolkit. You are expected to actively take part in the discussions and practical exercises. As you may be well aware, metadata is ubiquitous and is the raison d'être for libraries as it constitutes one of their core functions, i.e., ensuring print and electronic resources are findable, discoverable and usable by users – hence justifying the return on investment. The same holds true for other cultural heritage institutions such as museums, galleries and archives. Whether these institutions use one or more of existing standards such as Dublin Core (web), VRA Core (museum and visual), EAD (archives), Marc21 (libraries), MODS (simplified MARC), IPTC Core (photo), CDWA (Categories for Description of Works of Art), METS (structure), PREMIS (preservation), ISO2709 (MARC), XML, HTML5, microdata, RDFa, RDF/XML, JSON, RDA, AACR2, CCO, DACS, OAIS, Linked Data, FRBR, LCSH (Library of Congress Subject Headings), AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus), TGN (Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names), DDC, LCNAF or ISO 639-2 (ISO code for languages), the chief business of these institutions is to describe the great diversity of information resources (print or electronic books, articles, reports, datasets, cultural heritage objects or artifacts) with metadata that reflects the heterogeneity inherent in users. Thus, the role of the metadata function is significant in order to make information resources findable, discoverable, accessible and usable by users. In this regard, the emerging metadata principles of enriching, linking, openness and filtering (Alemu, 2014) play a paramount importance. This workshop aims to bring the current metadata landscape in libraries in context, with particular emphasis on emerging theory/principles and best practices covering:
- The theory of enriching and filtering
- Metadata enriching through RDA (Hands on - The RDA Toolkit and implementation of RDA at Solent University)
- Metadata filtering through FRBR (practical issues that cataloguers face in FRBRising their catalogue)
- Metadata management (metadata quality, authority control and subject headings)
- Metadata systems, tools and applications (practical issues of e-books and database cataloguing)
Getaneh Alemu completed his PhD from the University of Portsmouth (2014), where he developed a theory of metadata enriching and filtering. He is currently a Cataloguing & Metadata Librarian at Solent University, UK. He co-authored a book entitled “An Emergent Theory of Digital Library Metadata: Enrich then Filter" (Chandos Publishing, 2015), published on the topics of metadata, digital libraries, open access, Linked Data and Web 2.0. He is a member of IFLA’s Linked Data Technical Sub-Committee (LIDATEC) and programme chair of International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research - MTSR-2017 in Tallinn and workshop chair of MTSR-2018 in Cyprus. He is also an editorial board member of the Journal of Librarianship and Information Science and International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies.