Important Dates

  • 24th June 2016 : Submission deadline
  • 20th July 2016 : Notification of acceptance
  • 7th August 2016 : Camera-ready papers due
  • 22nd – 25th November 2016 : Conference at the UniversitätBibliothek of Göttingen (Germany)


The International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR'16) will be held at the UniversitätBibliothek of Göttingen (Germany) on November 22-25, 2016.

MTSR’16 celebrates the conference’s 10th anniversary with the theme of bridging the past, present and future of metadata, data and semantic technologies. The organisers encourage prospective authors and conference participants to reflect on the following questions:

  • How the documented evidence produced over the past years can be used as a driver for innovating management and processing of data and information?
  • How close are we from the vision of building powerful learning systems that will meet the needs of modern societies through high quality data infrastructures and data-driven interfaces?
  • What are the main challenges that modern metadata and semantics research has not addressed yet?

MTSR'16 brings together scholars and practitioners with common interest in the interdisciplinary fields of metadata, data and semantics. The conference provides an opportunity for participants to share knowledge and novel approaches in the implementation of semantic technologies across diverse types of information environments and applications. These include Cultural Informatics, Open Access Repositories and Digital Libraries, E-learning applications, Search Engine Optimization and Information Retrieval, Research Information Systems and Infrastructures, e-Science and e-Social Science applications, Agriculture, Food and Environment, Bio-Health & Medical Information Systems.


>Contributions are encouraged on this year’s them"Learning from the Past, Building the Future", including contributions covering, but not limited to, metadata in general, ontologies, Semantic Web, linked data, data repositories, digital libraries, knowledge management, software engineering, and the following list:

I. Foundations

  • Typology of metadata and metadata implementations
  • The value and cost of metadata
  • Quality evaluation in the use of Metadata
  • Metadata reusability
  • New or revised metadata schemas or application profiles
  • Metadata standardization
  • Empirical studies on metadata and/or ontologies usage

II. Languages and Frameworks for Metadata Management

  • SGML, XML, UML in theory and practice
  • Languages and Frameworks for Ontology Management
  • Metadata and the Semantic Web
  • Metadata and Knowledge Management
  • Metadata and Software Engineering
  • Metadata application of Semantic Web technologies
  • Ontologies and Ontology-based Knowledge Management Systems

III. Case Studies

  • Metadata and ontologies for librarianship, management of historical archives and archeological research
  • Metadata and ontologies for the design of innovative products and processes
  • Metadata and ontologies for health, biological and clinical information management
  • Metadata and ontologies in finance, tourism and public administrations
  • Metadata and ontologies in industry
  • Metadata and ontologies in education
  • Metadata and ontologies in agriculture, food and environment

IV. Technological Issues

Technologies for:

  • Metadata and ontology storage, Metadata and ontology integration, Metadata extraction and navigation, querying and editing of ontologies
  • Learning Objects management
  • Search engines, Localization & Visualization
  • Mobile challenges

V. Digital Libraries, Big Data and Information Retrieval

  • Ontologies and SKOS
  • Linked Data and its applications
  • Information visualization
  • Metadata quality
  • Digital curation
  • Impact and evaluation of DL
  • Use and re-use of digital data
  • Data mining
  • Multilingual IR
  • User behavior and modeling
  • Big Data semantics, search and mining
  • Reasoning on Big Data

VI. Tutorials and Workshops

You can bring in your ideas for tutorials. If you are interested in a particular topic, please let us know by sending an email to: mtsr.conference@gmail.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Submission procedure

The following types of submissions are invited:

  • Full papers (12 pages) reporting complete research
  • Short papers (6 pages) presenting ongoing or preliminary research
  • Posters (4 pages)
  • Proposals for tutorials and workshops (2 pages)

Submissions should be original and not previously submitted to other Conferences or Journals. All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity following a double-blind peer review process. Submitted papers have to follow the LNCS proceedings formatting style and guidelines ( Authors of accepted submissions will be asked to register to the Conference and present their work in the form of either oral presentation or poster presentation.

Interested authors can submit to EasyChair>

Conference Proceedings

Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) book series (

Other Publication Opportunities/h2>

Selected papers might be considered for a revised and extended version to be published in a range of international journals, including the International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (Inderscience) (, Program (Emerald) ( and the International Information & Library Review (Taylor & Francis) (


There are two types of awards: the Best paper award and the Best student paper award, both sponsored by euroCRIS (

  • Best paper award: This award will be presented to the authors of the best full research paper submitted and presented to the conference.
  • Best student paper award: MTSR sponsors a paper competition to recognize excellence in a conference paper contribution whose primary author is a student (normally at a PhD or MRes level). The student is required to present the paper at the MTSR 2016 conference. Submissions are evaluated on their originality, scientific merits, structure, and clarity of composition.

The author of an awarded paper, and co-authors if any, will be entitled to:

  • Each award comes with the price of a free access/registration to next years’ MTSR, including all conference materials, together with the printed/digital conference proceedings

Special Tracks

The conference welcomes the organization of special tracks focusing on particular domains or topics. Proposals for special tracks are welcome. Papers submitted to tracks undergo the same review procedures and are published in the same proceedings as those accepted for the main track. Tracks currently being organized:

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Previous Conferences & Proceedings

Proceedings have been published in the Springer's CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) Series in previous events