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Keynote Speakers


Dr. Trond Aalberg

Dr. Trond Aalberg, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence Group - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Keynote title: The path towards bibliographic ontologies and linked data

Libraries have a long tradition of exchange and reuse of data and were early adopters of common formats and standards for describing and coding bibliographic information. In the last decades, the community has faced the challenge of new models, formats and systems in order to adapt to the new digital environment and its requirements. The rather dramatic and hard to implement paradigm shift, that was introduced in the IFLA report on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, was to introduce an entity-relationship perspective on the bibliographic domain and to model intellectual and artistic creations using entities reflecting different levels of abstraction.

This keynote will give an introduction to and contextualize the models that have been developed in the last decades, present challenges and results of the transformation and reinterpretation of legacy data, discuss quality issues and requirements that must be in place for this data to be of value when shared and reused as linked open data. Finally, the talk will present current research on how the models will enable new features for searching and exploration and thus increase the user experience and reuse value of the data.

Dr. Trond Aalberg is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Data and Artificial Intelligence Group, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His main research area is metadata and ontologies with a special emphasis on bibliographic information models, the transition of legacy data to new models and formats, and how these models can be utilized to improve search, exploration and reuse.

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