Proceedings will be published by
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Selected papers will be published by
MTSR 2022
16th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research
London, 7th - 11th November 2022
Call for Papers – Deadline Extension
Keynote Speaker

We are honored to introduce our keynote speaker
Dr. Jenny Bunn, Head of Archives Research, The National Archives, UK
Keynote Presentation title:
Modelling Metadata for Archives and Records Management
Metadata modelling can be seen to have become a subject of interest to the archives and records management (ARM) domain from the late 1970s onwards. From that point, modelling activity has increased, culminating in the recent development of the Records in Contexts conceptual model and ontology. This presentation will seek to place Records in Contexts in its own contexts, those of; past metadata modelling activity within the ARM community, the models that arose because of it, and the perspectives thereby surfaced. It will conclude with some reflections on recent modelling activity at The National Archives, in connection with the Towards a National Collection funded research project, Our Heritage Our Stories and Project Omega, which aims to create a pan-archival catalogue from an ecosystem of more than 10 separate databases.
Jenny Bunn is Head of Archives Research at The National Archives. She has over 25 years’ experience as an archival practitioner, educator and researcher. Her research interests have always lain at the intersection of archives and technology, particularly in respect of description and metadata.